

  • 기자명 천미혜 기자
  • 대학
  • 입력 2010.09.14 20:58

The Resume in English



 What's one hurdle that every university students go through? It is writing resumes. While progressing in school and getting a job becomes your goal, writing a resume is inevitable. So what is a resume? A resume is introducing my careers and advertising myself to interviewers. In your resume, it is important to express your abilities appealingly so you are prepared to answer questions for your interview.
 In addition, nowadays, it is common for most companies, foreign and domestic, that requires a resume in English. This is to ensure the future employees' ability in English. Now, let's write up a resume in English.


The difference between an English and Korean resume

 Since most foreign companies look for applicants who are able to start work right away, they prefer people who are experienced and qualified in the field they are applying for. That means foreign companies look for the person that is best fit for the job since they already know what positions to fill. This is why we need to stop thinking in Korean ways when writing an English resume.

Component of Resume in English

 Korean resume has a set form but English resumes are not fixed. Though English resumes are not fixed, that doesn't mean we can write it however we want. There are still information that must be included.

(1) Personal Data (Identifying Information)

 Write your name at the top and following, your address and contact number at the second line. When you write your address, you write Beonji, Dong, City in order.

(2) Job Objective (Career Objective)

 In this section, list a type of occupation you'd like and explain what position and department you want to work for. If you can't find any departments you are interested in, write in your best knowledge, and explain the type of job you're interested in.

(3) Work Experience (Employment)

 In principle, it is right to write from recent experiences to past. More experienced workers write about their work experience before their educational history. Write down in detail, your working period, company name, company's location, position concretely, but leave out the detail that has no relevance to the job. Leave in the information that has relevance.

(4) Education (Educational History)

 You need to write the highest level of education in case of no special requirement. In the case of graduation from grad school, write the academic ability first. Write the graduation year, school name, and degree's name. And add the minor and graduation credit if it could be an advantage to you. If high school is your highest form of education, write that down. You don't need mention your prior education. Write the name of the school, what year you graduated, your major, minor, which degree you received, and GPA if necessary.

(5) Special Activities (Curricular Activities)

 For the recent college graduate without a lot of work experience, college activities, memberships, offices held, and co-curricular honors or awards can be extremely important and should be presented in your resume, especially if they are pertinent or relevant to your objective. For example, include activities which show major contributions, indicate a hard-worker, or ability to lead and command respect.

(6) References

 At the end of the resume you include:References are available upon request.

(7) Suggestions

 1. Quality and color of paper and ink are important. Traditionally, resumes are typed/printed on good quality white paper using black ink. If you want your resume to stand out from the rest, you could consider printing it on color stock, preferably off-white, cream or beige.

 2. Before you type your final copy, get someone else's reaction to it. Your family and friends, or your college advisor may be able to offer helpful suggestions. Consider your own reaction after setting it aside for a day or two. Would you hire the person described in this resume?

 3. Try to confine your resume to one page if possible. It may be appropriate, at times, to go to a two page resume.